Knowledge Base:
How do I resend all data again from the Handheld Contact PC app?
Posted by Craig S on 29 May 2012 05:08 PM

In order to get Handheld Contact working again on the device, you may be required to resend all data again.  This is a process where all the data that Handheld Contact is pointing to gets compiled and synced again from ACT! back to our server and then to the handheld device.  Below are the steps needed to perform this task.

  1. Open Handheld Contact on the computer/server.
  2. Click on Maintenance and choose Resend All Data to Handheld. 
  3. Select the account(s) you wish to complete this procedure for.
  4. Press Send All. 
  5. Press Yes, on the warning that appears.
  6. Wait until the PC has completed the syncing process before you go to the handheld to sync.