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Knowledge Base : Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the links to the most common questions/issues with Handheld Contact.    _DESKTOP/SERVER (CONSOLE) APPLICATION:_ * Error message when syncing: "_COMMUNICATION WITH SYNC ENGINE FAILED! THE SYNCING PROCESS HAS BEEN ABORTED! HHC SERVICE IS NOT ...
This article will be for all customers who have recently upgraded their Act! database to v24.  Since Act! v24 is 64-bit, there is a matching version of Handheld Contact that is required.  Handheld Contact v4.x.x.x is 32-bit and has a different install fol...
This article will explain all of the directions required in order to upgrade Handheld Contact to the latest software that was recently announced. [] _BEFORE YOU...
Using the latest version of any Handheld Contact app is important so you can take advantage of the latest features and security improvements. Your mobile device should automatically alert you when Handheld Contact has an update to install. You can also a...
The following instructions would be needed if you are adding another Act! user to Handheld Contact for syncing _OR_ you were trying to get multiple devices configured (Eg. iPhone, iPad or Android phone and tablet) with the same ACT! user.   Please follo...
Here are the steps needed to start from scratch and get the application set up and syncing. _CREATE THE ACCOUNT:_ * Go HERE [] and select the device you wish to sync with. * Click on the 'Sign up ...
COMPUTER/DESKTOP CONSOLE APPLICATION * Act! v18.0 through Act! v25 (Act!, Act! Premium for Workgroups and Act! Premium for Web, Act! for Financial Planners, and Act! for Real Estate are all supported) * Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016/201...
If you are a Handheld Contact administrator or reseller who owns subscriptions for other Handheld Contact end users, this article will explain the requirements for applying and creating new Handheld Contact user accounts. Once you have chosen a Handheld ...
This article is needed if you have purchased from Handheld Contact directly, have ownership of the subscription keys and need to make changes to usernames/subscriptions.   _If you have purchased a subscription and it is applied to an incorrect account/u...
Handheld Contact has different components that work together to link Act! software, the Act! server, and various mobile devices to deliver a powerful mobile Act! experience. Because Handheld Contact must function within the limitations of Act! software an...
The Handheld Contact Desktop Application is the user interface that controls all of the integration and syncing of Act! to the Handheld Contact Servers.  This article is for letting customers know how to read and use this application properly.  See the im...
We are frequently asked about the difference between Handheld Contact and the other mobile options. This list highlights the best Handheld Contact features that distinguish it as the most comprehensive and versatile mobile option. The Handheld Contact _...
Yes, this is possible.  However, Handheld Contact requires that for every device to sync with the software, you need to have a separate HHC user account.  This would require an additional charge to activate the second account.  Follow these steps and then...
In some cases where customers have problems with their device/syncing, a bug report may be needed for further investigation.  In order to submit this report, please follow the directions below for your device:   _APPLE IPHONE AND IPAD:_ Open Handheld C...
When making changes in Act! and syncing to the device (or back to Act!), Handheld Contact has some character limitations (including spaces) that must be met.  Please see below.   _SYNCING FROM ACT! TO DEVICE:_ Activity Regarding Field - 256 characters....
Below is a listing of all the default fields that will sync with Handheld Contact Professional.  You have the ability to add up to 42 more custom fields.  The total number of fields that will sync are 73.   Company First Name Last Name Title Departmen...
This article will explain how to check the synchronization status of Handheld Contact from the mobile device. Please see the directions below for the required device operating system: _IOS (IPHONE/IPAD):_ * Open Handheld Contact on the device. * Fr...
Many customers who have iPad devices find it tricky to add/modify items such as Activities, Notes, and/or History on the device. The reason for this is because of the format on the Handheld Contact application for iPad devices. When comparing the iPad sof...
Handheld Contact for Act! allows you to securely synchronize your phone and Act! database wirelessly using sophisticated syncing technology and quality software. Everything is developed and maintained in-house for maximum functionality and reliability. ...
Due to recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes with Handheld Contact, log files are no longer reserved for troubleshooting purposes.  This can be changed on a per user/account basis if needed. If requested by Handheld Contact Support Tec...
TWO-WAY, WIRELESS SYNCING * Automatically sync ACT! updates between your handheld device and your ACT! database wirelessly MOBILE DATA STORAGE * Store up to 15,000 ACT! contacts and associated notes, histories, calendar items, and activities dire...
'Profiles' are available within Handheld Contact and are mostly used for situations where a customer has multiple Handheld Contact users and they wish to have the same sync settings for all of them.  If there are only a few HHC users and each wish to view...
If you plan on upgrading your Act! database software to v21, you will need to complete the following steps (the same directions apply for users who have already upgraded Act!):   * Ensure that Act! is upgraded to v21 and working properly before procee...
This article explains the process of the Handheld Contact and how the syncing takes place.   If you have Handheld Contact set up correctly, the following points will discuss the process for syncing on the handheld as well as the PC/server. __ _CHANGES...
This article is for the Handheld Contact Restore tool that was created to allow a customer to restore a lost/corrupt Act! database with the Handheld Contact data found on the device.  In general, everything that is synced to the device will be restored (w...
This article will explain how the ‘Mobile Mapping’ feature in Handheld Contact will work. _NOTE_:  All route mapping is applied to activities only.  If you want to get directions to a single contact record, its best to open their specific contact details...
This article will outline the requirements needed to get 'Secondary Contacts' aspect from Act! to sync with Handheld Contact. _NOTE_:  Only Act! v18 or higher is supported.  The following steps will be needed to enable 'Secondary Contacts': * Upgrade...
This article will explain the Handheld Contact Secure+ features and what is required to set up from the Desktop application. The first thing that is required is to have a Handheld Contact Secure+ account.  If you are a trial user, this feature will be en...
As of February 19, 2019, email verification has been implemented into Handheld Contact.  Previously, accounts were able to be created under incorrect or fake email addresses for Handheld Contact.  This has been removed and for every new Handheld Contact a...
With the latest device upgrades [] a new feature has been added to the mobile software.  This gives the end user the ability to trigger a "Resend All Data" p...
Handheld Contact supports a limited number of versions of Act!, mobile operating systems, and Microsoft Windows operating systems. This enables us to focus on product quality, developing new features, and making Handheld Contact available on the newest, p...
This article will explain the 'Tagging' feature that has been applied to Handheld Contact in recent updates.  'Tagging' is used to select certain contacts to perform a similar task such as Email, SMS or Map.  See below for specific platform directions. _...
This article will explain the directions needed to delete and existing Handheld Contact account.  An example for this is that a trial was created as Handheld Contact Classic but the intention was to sync with Handheld Contact API (or vice versa). * Go ...
This article will explain how to add the 'Mobile Care' add-on to an existing Handheld Contact subscription. The following steps will be for all device types (Eg. iPhone, iPad and Android): * Go to the link:
This article will explain how sharing contact records works with Handheld Contact.  This is the ability to send contact details (eg Name, Phone Number, Email, Mailing Address, etc) to another person. _IOS - IPHONE AND IPAD DEVICES:_ * Open Handheld Co...
This article will outline the newest features of Handheld Contact for creating Invoices and/or Quotes from the device directly. _NOTE_:  Creating a Quote or Invoice from Handheld Contact will be completed within the Opportunities feature.  Therefore, if ...
Voice to text is a feature which is provided by the mobile device operating system.  This article will explain how to utilize the voice to text features of your mobile device and apply that to Handheld Contact.  Voice to text will allow you to dictate tex...
This article will outline a number of frequently asked questions regarding the Handheld Contact API software.  This list is not in any particular order. _HOW DOES AUTO-SYNCING WORK?_ Currently the ability to auto-sync the Handheld Contact API software O...
In order to have the voice dialing and other native functions on the mobile device to work, you need to have the contacts part of the native Contacts App.  This can be done by 'Exporting' the contacts from Handheld Contact.  In order to have this work wi...
Starting with the latest updates for both API and Classic products (end of July 2021) there is a new addition to Handheld Contact that allows users to perform a keyword search using barcode and QR codes.  This article will explain how this feature works. ...
This article will be used for allowing Handheld Contact to work with the TLS 1.2 protocol.  There will be some high level steps required including possible registry changes.  _It is recommended that an IT professional completes these directions._ Here ar...
This article will be for customers who have started using Handheld Contact API and are experiencing contact syncing issues.  Handheld Contact API uses the Act! Web API technology in order to collect information to sync with the mobile device.  In order to...
With the latest Handheld Contact Classic upgrade (on both iOS and Android platforms) there was a change in the default main view screen.  Similar to our API application, we have applied the same Dashboard view to Handheld Contact Classic.  However, for cu...
With Handheld Contact iOS version 8.4 (and higher) and Android version (and higher) a new feature was applied to the Mobile Mapping settings.  It is a proximity search based off the starting location specified.  It is listed as 'Search nearby'.  ...
You are syncing on the Android device and receive the following error message:   _LAST SYNC RESULT:_ Syncing finished with error: Username [_HHC Username_]: Server is busy/locked   This error message indicates that there is already a part of Handheld...
_NOTE_: These steps will be for Handheld Contact German server customers only! The Handheld Contact German syncing servers will be discontinued and this article will explain the required directions in order to make the needed changes to switch into the N...
With the latest Handheld Contact Classic update (v4.4.4.x and v6.0.x.x) there have been Open Authorization (OAuth) changes implemented.   The changes to the software will not change the way that Handheld Contact Classic syncs but it is for Email Alerts a...