Handheld Contact Restore
Posted by Craig S, Last modified by Craig S on 05 June 2023 05:20 PM

This article is for the Handheld Contact Restore tool that was created to allow a customer to restore a lost/corrupt Act! database with the Handheld Contact data found on the device.  In general, everything that is synced to the device will be restored (with some exceptions).  If you have not purchased the Handheld Contact Restore add-on, you can do so by clicking here. 

System Requirements:

What will be restored:

  • Config data (database schema):
    • Users
    • Mapped custom contacts fields
    • Mapped custom opportunity fields
    • Custom activity/history types
    • Products
    • Processes
    • Stages
  • Contacts
  • Activities
  • Notes/History
  • Secondary contacts
  • Opportunities/opportunity products

What will NOT be restored:

  • Drop-down lists
  • Some activity exceptions
  • Some random data in rare, specific cases or Act! versions
  • Act! Security Roles for users (All restored Act! users will be created as 'Standard' Security Role)

Additional Notes

  • All restored activities will be scheduled for 'My Record' user
  • Only private data for current user will be restored
  • Only one user per database can do the restore. If other user(s) attempt to restore the same database; duplicates will appear
  • The mobile database will be copied/shared to an easily accessible location during restore process.  Copied database is no longer encrypted.  After restore is done, it is recommended to manually delete database file(s) for security reasons.
    • iOS - Two database files (.xml and .realm) from copied location
    • Android - HHCRestore.db file found in 'HHC' folder on device 

Getting Started:
When you are ready to restore the Act! database from Handheld Contact on the mobile device, this is completed in multiple sections.  There is a desktop/server process, mobile application steps and final directions on the desktop/server.  See below:

Preparing the Act! database:
Before the mobile application is prepared for restore, you must start with the Act! software on the desktop/server and a newly created database.  In order to create a new Act! database, see steps below:

  1. Ensure that Act! v21 is installed (if a previous version of Act! existed, please upgrade to v21 first).
  2. Open the Act! software and click on File, choose 'New Database...'.
  3. In the window that appears enter a new name for the restored database.  Set the Location and Currency as required.  For the 'User name', we recommend using the same Act! username that was used before.  If this is unknown, you can create a new Act! username.  A password is optional. 
  4. When finished, press OK.
  5. The new database will be created and will automatically launch.

Note:  If you already have schema backup created with Keystroke's SchemaManager tool; use it again to restore database schema and even layouts before proceeding.

Preparing device for restore:
The directions for the device preparation will be divided by platform type.  See below for specific device:


  1. Open Handheld Contact on the device. 
  2. From Home view, tap on 'Sync Status'.  In the top right hand corner, tap on overflow menu (3 dots).  Choose 'Prepare for restore'. See image here.
  3. One of two messages will appear.
    1. "Your account is not ready for Restore.  Please contact support@handheldcontact.com".  This means that the Restore service has not purchased/applied to the Handheld Contact account successfully.  See image here. 
    2. "This operating will copy your HHC database to an easily accessible location on your phone.  Continue?".  This means that the Handheld Contact account has been set for restore.  Press OK to continue.  See image here.
  4. After the database is prepared, press OK to the pop-up message. See image here.
  5. Connect the Android device to the PC with the available USB cable.  Accept any messages about unlocking the device and allowing access to it.  On Windows, open File Explorer (also called Windows Explorer) and find the connected device under the C:\ drive.
  6. From the root of the device, navigate to this folder: [device name] Android\data\ca.j2x.hhc4android\files\Documents\HHC
  7. If done correctly, there will be a file in this directory called: 'HHCRestoreDB.db'.
  8. Right click on this file and choose 'Copy'.
  9. Paste the database file on your computer.  The Desktop location works well for ease of locating/deleting.
  10. Disconnect the device from PC.
  11. Open HHC Restore computer app and proceed with the PC Restore directions below.

iOS (iPhone/iPad):

  1. Open Handheld Contact on the device.
  2. From Home view, tap on 'Sync status'.  In the top right hand corner, tap on overflow menu (3 dots).  Choose 'Prepare for restore'.  See image here.
  3. A pop up will appear reading "This operation will copy your HHC database to an easily accessible location on your phone".  Press 'Continue'.
  4. If a pop up message reading "Your account is not ready for Restore.  Please contact support@handheldcontact.com" appears; this means that the Restore service has not purchased/applied to the Handheld Contact account successfully. 
  5. Otherwise a message will read "Restore Completed to iTunes".  Press OK.
  6. Connect the iOS device to the computer that has iTunes installed with the USB cable.  (Note: If iTunes is not installed, see System Requirements above).
  7. If there are any prompts on device regarding giving iTunes permission, choose Yes to approve.
  8. Open iTunes on PC.  Your device will be connected. See image here.
  9. Along the left choose 'File Sharing'.  Then click on 'Handheld Contact' under the Apps section.  Under the 'Handheld Contact Documents' section there will be two files listed.
  10. Highlight both files (HHCConfig.xml and HHCRestoreDB.realm) and press 'Save'.  Save to Desktop for ease of locating/deleting. See image here.
  11. Disconnect the device from PC.
  12. Open HHC Restore computer app and proceed with the PC Restore directions below.

PC Restore: Restoring obtained database into Act! software:
The final stages are completed on the same desktop/server where the blank database was created. 

  1. Install HHC Restore application. Download is found here.
  2. After install is completed, there is a checkbox to launch this application.  Ensure this is checked and press Finish.
  3. The Handheld Contact Restore computer app will open. See image here.
  4. In the 'Act! database info' section, add newly created Act! database PAD file location and Act! administrator credentials. 
  5. Press 'Test login' to verify database login.  If a message appears, the login details are incorrect.
  6. Under 'Handheld Contact database info' section, select the platform used (iOS or Android).
    1. If using iOS (iPhone/iPad), click on Database Browse button.  Find the HHCRestoreDB.realm file that was saved from iOS Step 10 above.  Click on the Config file Browse button.  Find the HHCConfig.xml file from iOS Step 10 above.
    2. If using Android, click on Database Browse button.  Find the HHCRestoreDB.db file from Android Steps 7/8 above.
  7. In the 'Select data to restore' section, choose the data to be restored.  All options are enabled by default.
  8. In the 'Handheld Contact account' section, enter your Handheld Contact credentials.  HHC username (email address), HHC password and server (default is HandheldContact.com).
  9. Press 'Test login' to verify HHC account login.  If a message appears, the login details are incorrect.
  10. Click on 'Restore'.  A pop up warning will appear indicating: "Act! database must be empty.  If not - duplicates will appear.  Continue?".  Press OK to proceed.
  11. The Handheld Contact Restore process will begin.
  12. If everything is restored, a message will read "Restore finished successfully.  Now that the restore has completed, we recommend to do a backup of your Act! database now".  Click OK.
  13. If there is a problem and some data is not restored, a message will read "Restore finished with problems.  Please check log file for details or contact HHC Support.  Now that the restore has completed, we recommend to do a backup of your Act! database now".
  14. Open the Act! software and new database.
  15. Verify data in Act! after restore. 
  16. After verification of data is successful we recommend deleting the Handheld Contact database file(s) that were copied to computer from device. On an Android device, you can also delete the HHCRestoreDB.db file using ES File Explorer. 
  17. Note: If needed, there is a "restore.log" file in the default install location (C:\Program Files(x86)\Keystroke\HHC Restore)** to check for any errors during restoring. **Note: Install location is also found at C:\Program Files(x86)\Handheld Contact\HHC Restore.

The database has now been successfully restored from the mobile device and there is a new Act! database.  Here are some final recommendations:

  1. Create a backup of the newly created database.  Click here for directions
  2. Update the Handheld Contact desktop application (console) to sync with new named Act! database.  Click here for directions