Knowledge Base: App-Specific Help
Creating Invoices and Quotes in Handheld Contact
Posted by Craig S, Last modified by Craig S on 29 May 2019 09:07 PM

This article will outline the newest features of Handheld Contact for creating Invoices and/or Quotes from the device directly.

Note:  Creating a Quote or Invoice from Handheld Contact will be completed within the Opportunities feature.  Therefore, if you have not enabled Handheld Contact to sync with existing Opportunities from Act!, please see this article first.  Another useful article for Handheld Contact Opportunities is found here as it will outline how new Opportunities are created on the device.

The steps below will be broken up by the respective platform used and will assume that Opportunities have been enabled for syncing and at least 1 Opportunity appears.  Also, invoices/quotes can only be generated for single contact Opportunities.

iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Open the Handheld Contact software on the device.
  2. From the Home view, tap on Settings.
  3. Choose 'Invoice/Quote Preferences'.  You want to set all preferences first.  The available options are:
    1. Company Logo - This will be the image within the header of the invoice/quote.
    2. Company Address - (Required) The address can be entered manually or choose 'My Record' to copy the same address from your Act! record.
    3. Sale Tax Number - Character field to enter sales tax number (if required).
    4. Field Label Color - When an invoice/quote is created, this will be the color of the banners.
    5. Invoice Prefix - Invoice numbers will begin at '00000'.  The prefix will appear before the numbers.  Eg. A prefix of "INV-" will show on report as: INV-00001.
    6. Quotation Prefix - Quote numbers will begin at '00000'.  The prefix will appear before the numbers.  Eg. A prefix of 'QUO-" will show on report as: QUO-00001.
    7. Disclaimer - This is a character field where any disclaimer text can be entered onto both invoice/quote.  Default disclaimer reads "All invoice/quotes are issued in local currency unless otherwise specified and subject to all applicable local taxes".
    8. Footer - This is a character field where any footer text can be entered onto both invoice/quote.
    9. Email Content - When sharing the invoice/quote with the customer, this will be the body of the email that gets automatically applied.  Default reads "Please see the attached document.  Thanks".
    10. Add Sales Tax - (If necessary) See below.
      1. Enter Sales tax - Entered as a numerical value.  Supports up to 2 decimal points.
  4. After the preferences are selected as needed, open the Home view and choose Opportunities.
  5. Find an existing Opportunity and tap to open.
  6. In the top right corner press the Share icon.
  7. A popup will appear asking if you want to create an Invoice or Quote.
  8. After selection is made an Invoice/Quote will appear for review
  9. If correct, and you want to send this document to the contact, press the Share icon in the top right corner.
  10. An email is generated within Handheld Contact with the customer email address as the To, 'My Record' email address as the CC and the document attached in PDF format.  Press 'Send' to send email to customer.
  11. A History record of type 'E-Mail Sent' will be attached to the Customer Act! History with the matching invoice/quote number.



  1. Open the Handheld Contact software on the device.
  2. From the Home view, tap on Settings. 
  3. Scroll down to the 'Invoice/Quote Preferences' section.  The available options are:
    1. Company Logo - This will be the image within the header of the invoice/quote.
    2. Company Address - Default address applied will be from 'My Record' contact record.
    3. Sale Tax Number - Character field to enter sales tax number (if required).
    4. Invoice Prefix - Default invoice prefix is set as 'INV'.  This can be changed as needed.
    5. Quote Prefix - Default quote prefix is set as 'QT'.  This can be changed as needed.
    6. Disclaimer - This is a character field where any disclaimer can be entered onto both invoice/quote. Default disclaimer reads "All invoice/quotes are issued in local currency unless otherwise specified and subject to all applicable local taxes".
    7. Footer - This is a character field where any footer text can be entered onto both invoice/quote.
    8. Email Content - When sharing the invoice/quote with the customer, this will be the body of the email that gets automatically applied.
    9. Add Sales Tax - (If necessary) See below:
      1. Enter Sales Tax (%) - Entered as a numeric value.  Supports up to 2 decimal points.
  4. After the preferences are selected as needed, open the Home view and choose Opportunities.
  5. Find and existing Opportunity and tap to open.
  6. In the top right corner press the Share icon.
  7. A popup will appear asking if you want to create an Invoice or Quote.
  8. After selection is made an Invoice/Quote will appear for review.
  9. If correct, and you want to send this document to the contact, press the 'Envelope' icon in the top right corner.
  10. An email is generated within Handheld Contact in the 'Prepare email' screen with the customer email address as the To, 'My Record' email address as the CC and the subject containing the Invoice/Quote number.  Press the 'Send' icon to share the message with your required Email client.  This will pass all information to your mail client with the Invoice/Quote document attached in PDF format.  Send from your email client to complete process.
  11. A History record of type 'E-Mail Sent' will be attached to the Customer Act! History with the matching invoice/quote number.


 Note:  When viewing Quotes, there is a field date called 'Valid To'.  This is equivalent to the 'Est. Close Date' field.