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Knowledge Base : App-Specific Help > HHC API
This article will explain the directions needed to delete and existing Handheld Contact account.  An example for this is that a trial was created as Handheld Contact Classic but the intention was to sync with Handheld Contact API (or vice versa). * Go ...
This article will help with finding the Act! API URL that is required to setup Handheld Contact API. _NOTE_:  The Act! API URL that is expected will end with 'act.web.api'.   The Act! API URL will typically be provided by your hosting provider (such as...
With Handheld Contact API, _SYNCING IS MANAGED VIA A_ SINGLE ACT! GROUP.  There are no syncing limitations for total contacts so this Group can contain as many or as little contacts as needed.  We recommend that this Group is created (or updated) in advan...
This article will be additional information and directions for getting Handheld Contact Lite configured. _IMPORTANT_:  Handheld Contact Lite is not a synchronization tool.  Only Act! Contacts will be downloaded to the device.  Any changes/edits on the de...
This article will outline a number of frequently asked questions regarding the Handheld Contact API software.  This list is not in any particular order. _HOW DOES AUTO-SYNCING WORK?_ Currently the ability to auto-sync the Handheld Contact API software O...
This article will explain the directions needed to move from Handheld Contact Classic to Handheld Contact API.  Since these two applications have the same servers for account management, the identical username (email address) cannot be used.  Handheld Con...
This article will explain how to install the Act! Connect Link tool to work with Act! Premium Web API.  This application allows the permissions needed on the database side to enable the ability to sync with the Handheld Contact API software. _NOTE_:  In ...
This article will explain how to setup the new Handheld Contact API software. Handheld Contact API uses the Act! Web API technology to securely access your contacts directly from your database. With this being said you will need your hosted Act! details ...
In order to have the voice dialing and other native functions on the mobile device to work, you need to have the contacts part of the native Contacts App.  This can be done by 'Exporting' the contacts from Handheld Contact.  In order to have this work wi...
Starting with the latest updates for both API and Classic products (end of July 2021) there is a new addition to Handheld Contact that allows users to perform a keyword search using barcode and QR codes.  This article will explain how this feature works. ...
This article will be for customers who have started using Handheld Contact API and are experiencing contact syncing issues.  Handheld Contact API uses the Act! Web API technology in order to collect information to sync with the mobile device.  In order to...
If you are a Qsales customer and looking to add the seven (7) additional fields for mapping, this article will explain the steps needed. Here is our blog post in regards to the Qsales update: Handheld Contact now includes vital accounting data [https://w...
This article will explain how the picture transfer works with Handheld Contact API.  Picture transfer applies the images as an attachment within History.  This is not the same as a contact photo attached in Act!.   __ _NOTE_:  Picture transfer does not ...
This article will explain the requirements needed for Handheld Contact API. * You must have a Handheld Contact API account.  If you do not have this, please CLICK HERE []. * iPhone or iPa...
In the latest upgrades of Handheld Contact a new feature has been included called Mail Merge.  This article will explain how to utilize this feature from the mobile device.  Mail Merge is available for both Classic and API applications.  See the direction...
_NOTE_:  This article pertains to Handheld Contact API subscribers only.  It does not affect API trial users. Handheld Contact API supports multiple devices to sync with a single Handheld Contact API account.  For example if a customer has a phone and a ...
This article will be for utilizing GoToResolve with Handheld Contact applications on the mobile device sides. The directions required to get GoToResolve working with Handheld Contact are found below for the needed operating system: _IOS (IPHONE/IPAD) DE...