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Knowledge Base
Below are the links to the most common questions/issues with Handheld Contact.    _DESKTOP/SERVER (CONSOLE) APPLICATION:_ * Error message when syncing: "_COMMUNICATION WITH SYNC ENGINE FAILED! THE SYNCING PROCESS HAS BEEN ABORTED! HHC SERVICE IS NOT ...
This article will be for all customers who have recently upgraded their Act! database to v24.  Since Act! v24 is 64-bit, there is a matching version of Handheld Contact that is required.  Handheld Contact v4.x.x.x is 32-bit and has a different install fol...
This article will explain all of the directions required in order to upgrade Handheld Contact to the latest software that was recently announced. [] _BEFORE YOU...
If you have recently received a new device and it is on the same platform as the previous device (Eg. iPhone to iPhone), you will want to complete these steps.  If you have switched platforms (Eg. Android to iPhone) see links at bottom.   _APPLE IOS DEV...
This is article directs you to specific instructions that will help you get started with the Handheld Contact computer application and mobile apps.   COMPUTER INSTALLATION The Handheld Contact computer application needs to be installed on the PC, serve...
This article will explain how to check the synchronization status of Handheld Contact from the mobile device. Please see the directions below for the required device operating system: _IOS (IPHONE/IPAD):_ * Open Handheld Contact on the device. * Fr...